Saturday, November 23, 2013


Uses and limitation for Mean, Median & Mode The repute, medial prune and path argon quantifys of central tendency within a dissemination of numerical values. The mean is more commonly know as the aver fester. The medial is the mid-point in a distribution of values among cases, with an equal piece of cases above and below the median. The mode is the value that occurs most often in the distribution. Mean The mean is calculated by adding the value of distributively individual point in a group and dividing it by the total progeny of items in the group. For example, if you be at concourse of 10 plenty, and the labor union of the times of all attendees is 420, the mean age of the attendees is 420 dual-lane by 10, or 42. The mean is used mostly as a everyday indicator for data, and works best when at that place are not a lot of outliers. For example, there is no bearing of knowing in this example whether some of the members are 90 and some are 5, or if al l members are in their 40s. Use the mean to describe the middle of a set of data that does not have an outlier. Advantages:     Most habitual measure in fields such as business, engineering and estimator science.    It is unique there is only one answer.     effectual when examine sets of data. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
Disadvantages:   Affected by extreme values (outliers) Median The median is the value that is the mid-point of a group of values, having an equal number of items in the group above and below it. For instance, in a run with five peck aged 23, 25, 37, 44 and 87, the median age is 37, as th ere are an equal number of individuals pr! evious(a) and younger than 37. The median is used where strong outliers may reorientate the representation of the group, such as with incomes. If you have one soul who earns $1 billion a year and nine various people who earn under $100,000 a year, the mean income for people in the group would be around $100 million, a gross distortion. The median income would be under $100,000, more finishing representing the situation of the majority of the...If you want to get a fancy essay, order it on our website:

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