Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Sociological Concept/mini

Running Head : APPLICATION OF SOCIOLOGICAL THEORYApplication of Sociological speculation in Current Issue (insert arrive at (insert nurture /college s name (insert name of instructor (insert course titleApplication of Sociological desire in Current IssueIn New York City , United States , a event of the known Preppy orca and his fillefriend named Shawn Kovell is still on-going . This is inline with the rush of selling cocaine within the apartment of the lady friend Kovell . placid , as of the last trial , they have pleaded of non universe guilty in the case . This is according to the October 25 , 2007 print news online of the ReutersAside from the current d case against the Preppy Killer bit named Robert chambers , 41 , he was already direct to prison during 1988 when he was found guilty of killing an 18 yr old g irl at the Central car park in New York City . Aside from that , Chamber , himself , set forth that what he had d integrity to the girl was an episode of rough sexual comportivity (Reuters 2007 . He was imprisoned within 15 old tick along and only got forbidden of the pokey last 2003When convicted of drug commit , Chamber would expect a 150 stratum convict in jail while his girlfriend Kovell would suffer utmost of 20 years imprisonmentThis well-disposed issue of manslaughter and drug trafficking could be found anyplace else in the world . We could highly espouse such cases more often than not in the troika world countries where poverty is still in rapid rateWe could furbish up this issue in the Strain Theory of Robert K . Merton one the American Sociologists . Merton borrows the concept of the anomie from Durkheim . all(prenominal) the same , the difference amongst the two is that Merton stresses that the societal problem is not created by the sharp-worded social changes rather it comes from the soci! al anatomical structure . is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
This social structure is defined by the social strata which all aiming for one closing despite the fact that the lodge has no decent means of achieving such goals That is why , there ar members of the society who resort to different kinds of adaption like unity , innovation , ascension , ritualism and retreatism . These modes of adaptation are the ones that people favor to do since they do not have enough power to attain the master(prenominal) goal of the societyIn the case of the Preppy Killer presume that he was not fit to attain his goals or he was not able to own what the s ociety had , he was existence trapped in learned helplessness , thus , he resorted to a an act of deviance . Killing of that 18 year old girl was kind of deviant behavior in which the killer adequate the retreatism by which the present lifestyle of the ex-convict Chamber could also be includedSince retreatism concept shows that an individual is already heavy(p) up the goals and objectives that he cherished to attain before . In the worst case scenario , a man who chose this kind of adaptation also give up the ways and lifestyle of achieving the goal that he just...If you want to get a full essay, set it on our website:

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